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Installing Echem Analyst

You can choose to only install Echem Analyst

Follow these steps:

    1. Choose Client Login on our home page:
      client login Gamry's Home Page
    2.  Create a new account or login with your current account:
      Create an account to Register your InstrumentLog In if you have an existing account:
      login in to download software
    3. Once logged in, the page shows your Registered Instruments:
      Registered Instruments Page
    4. Select your instrument to go to the details page with links to download software. Click on the version of software you wish to download.
       instrument details page for software download link

    5. You are then taken to the Software Download Page:

       software download page
    6. Download the file and then start the installation process. You are initially presented with the Software Install Dialog:

      software installation screen
    7. Choose Install Software and go through a series of dialogs. You can choose to only install Echem Analyst once you see the following dialog:

      Choose to install Echem Analyst