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Interface 1010T

The Interface 1010T™ is a perfect potentiostat for use in undergraduate and graduate teaching labs.

Key features include:

  1. Maximum Current - ± 100 mA
  2. Maximum Applied Potential - ± 5 V
  3. EIS - 10 μHz - 20 kHz

System Highlights

The Interface 1010T is an entry-level potentiostat designed for undergraduate and graduate teaching labs.  It provides all of the capabilities needed for getting students introduced to physical and analytical electrochemistry.  It even provides for potentiostatic EIS up 20 kHz.  

See the Specifications tab for the instrument specifications.  The Interface 1010T can be upgraded to a fully-featured Interface 1010E with an infield upgrade.  This allows you to get a low-cost potentiostat for teaching purposes that can later be upgraded to a fully-capable research-grade potentiostat able to perform experiments for a wide variety of applications.  

1010T Starter Package

The Interface 1010T Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA and Starter Pack is designed to help people understand and start making measurements sooner.

The kit includes:

  • Interface 1010T Potentiostat/Galvanostat/ZRA
  • Five experiments
  • Student and Teacher’s manuals (digital)
  • Cells and electrodes

Experiments have been chosen to help you learn a variety of techniques from cyclic voltammetry to pulse techniques to corrosion techniques and even electrochemical impedance spectroscopy.

Cyclic Voltammetry

  • Determine the redox potential and diffusion coefficient of potassium ferricyanide.

Determination of Working Area of an Electrode

  • Calculate the electroactive area of the WE. Understand concentration distance profiles. Familiarization with the Cottrell and Anson equations

Comparison of Pulse Techniques

  • Compare different pulse techniques. Determine amount of copper in an unknown water sample

Corrosion of Mild Steel at different pHs.

  • Determine the corrosion rates for mild steel at different pHs.

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy

  • Perform EIS on a network of resistors and capacitors. Model EIS data using an equivalent circuit to extra resistor and capacitor values.

Contact us for more information.


Lab Course in Electrochemistry

Materials Included 

Below is a table of all materials Gamry Instruments supplies in the Laboratory Course in Electrochemistry to perform all eleven experiments for ten pairs of students.

Part number



820-00005 Sample of mild steel 30
930-00015 Ag|AgCl reference electrode 1
932-00024 Platinum working electrode 1
932-00009 Platinum microlectrode 1
935-00065 Micro stirring bar 1
935-00123 Carbon screen-printed electrode 36
972-00065 Cuvette cap 1
987-00099 DigiElch student edition 1
988-00049 Student edition book 20
988-00050 Teacher edition book 1
990-00193 Dr. Bob’s Cell kit 1
990-00195 Polishing kit 1
990-00196 EuroCell kit 1
990-00419 AC Dummy Cell 1
990-00420 Screen-printed electrode cell stand for 4 mm banana plugs 1
990-00421 Screen-printed electrode adapter for 4 mm cable 1



Potentiostat Yes
Galvanostat Yes
Zero Resistance Ammeter Yes
Floating (Isolated from Earth Ground)  Yes
Cell Connections 2, 3, or 4
Maximum Current ± 100 mA
Current Ranges 6 (1 uA - 100 mA)
Current Ranges
(including internal gain)
8 (10 nA - 100 mA)
Minimum Current Resolution 0.3 pA
Maximum Applied Potential ± 5 V
Rise Time <1 μs
Minimum Time Base 1 ms
Noise and Ripple <20 μV rms
Weight 2.4 kg
Dimensions 24 (W) x 6 (H) x 27 (D) 27 cm


Compliance Voltage ±20 V (@ 1A)
Output Current >±1 A
Speed Settings 5
Unity Gain Bandwidth 980, 260, 40, 4, 0.4 kHz


EIS 10 uHz - 20 kHz
EIS Accuracy 99%
AC Amplitude 2.33 V maximum
17.8 μV minimum


Input Impedance >1012 Ω
Input Current (typical) <20 pA
Bandwidth >10 MHz
CMRR >80 dB (10 kHz)
>60 dB (1 MHz)


Applied Accuracy    ±1 mV ±0.2% of setting
Applied Resolution 200 μV, 50 μV, 12.5 μV/bit
Measured Accuracy ±1 mV ±0.3% of reading
Measured Resolution 1 μV, 10 μV, 100 μV, 400 μV/bit


Applied Accuracy    ±5 pA ±0.3% of range
Applied Resolution 0.0033% full-scale/bit


Measured Accuracy ±5 pA ±0.3% of range
Measured Resolution 0.0033% full-scale/bit
Bandwidth >10 MHz (1A - 100 μA)
>1.5 MHz (10 μA)
>0.15 MHz (1 μA)


Reliable results and good quality of devices for a long lasting use.

Rating: 4.7 4.67 Out of 5 Stars

Organization: InnCoa GmbH

Application Area: Electrochemical corrosion analysis (DC + AC)

"This device is in addition to our REF600.
We use both in parallel for a wide variety of corrosion experiments. So from the software this is a really good solution to able to use and monitor these 2 devices in parallel."

Reviews provided by SelectScience