The RxE 10k Rotating Electrode is a research-grade rotator and features the ability to use rotating ring-disk, disk and, cylinder electrodes. The rotation rate is adjustable from 50 – 10,000 rpm (revolutions per minute). The Controller has a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) which indicates the rotation rate and is controlled by a rotation rate knob. Alternatively, the rotation rate may be controlled by your Gamry Interface or Reference family instrument. The electrode assembly of the rotator has a versatile design that allows for the use of diverse electrode types. Different shaft and electrode tips can be selected depending on your desired use. Different shafts are used for disk and cylinder or ring–disk experiments.
- Corrosion
- Catalyst Development
- Fuel Cell Research
- Controlling Mass Transport of Reactants to Electrode Surface
Rotating ring-disk electrodes are used where products generated at the disk electrode are monitored at the ring electrode. A bipotentiostat is required for these experiments and Gamry can supply an instrument using two standard Gamry Potentiostats collecting data synchronously when connected to the same computer. A number of ring-disk electrodes are available including platinum-platinum, gold-gold and glassy carbon-glassy carbon.
Rotating disk experiments are performed where defined mass transport to the sample electrode is desired. An example of this type of experiment would be catalyst evaluation.
Rotating cylinder experiments are important in the oil industry to simulate the corrosion environment inside a pipeline, thus avoiding the need to assemble expensive flow loop setups. The rotator is an ideal tool because flow conditions at the rotating cylinder are generally turbulent even at low rotation rates. Cylinders can be made from a variety of different metals to evaluate their performance including 1018 carbon steel, 316 stainless steel and 430 stainless steel. Users can machine cylinder samples using their actual material.
The electrodes for the rotator are sold separately and include a wide selection of standard materials such as gold, platinum, glassy carbon, carbon steel, stainless steel, etc. Custom materials are available on request.