How do I copy and paste graphs and data from Echem Analyst?
The “Copy to clipboard” button is located on the toolbar of the Chart tab when your data file is displayed in Echem Analyst. This button gives you the option to copy a Bitmap, Metafile, or raw data directly to the Windows Clipboard. It can then be pasted into any other program. The Bitmap option will copy the data as displayed in Echem Analyst, meaning that it will be a replica of the current view of the data complete with any overlays, fits, or modifications of the visual style of the plot. Using the “As Text (data only)” button will copy the X and Y values of the currently displayed data, fits, and overlays as a table that can be directly pasted into a cell-based spreadsheet application. By overlaying multiple data files you can use the Copy As Text feature to batch-export a number of data files in one fell swoop.

Copy-to-Clipboard button.

Copy-to-Clipboard options.
Data can also be copied to the clipboard from any of the Analysis Tabs that are created when a fit is performed. Simply click in the cell (or click and drag to highlight multiple cells) then right-click and select Copy. The data can now be pasted into any cell-based spreadsheet program.

Analysis tab of a fit performed on EIS data.

Selection of Analysis tab data, and right click options.