Reference 620
High-performance Potentiostat
The new 620, replacement for the Reference 600+, is a high-performance potentiostat/galvanostat/ZRA particularly suitable for applications in physical electrochemistry, sensors, coatings, and corrosion.
Key features of the 620 include:
• Designed for fast, low-current measurements
• Maximum Applied Potential - ±11 V
• EIS - 10 μHz - 5 MHz
New Products at Gamry
![]() Faraday ShieldWith Conductive-glass Window• Visual inspection without breaking shielding
LPI1010High Voltage EIS Test System• EIS up to 100 kHz**
Upcoming Events
When: September 20-24, 2021
Where: Virtual
Materials Science and advance technologies for better corrosion protection.
240th ECS Meeting
When: October 10-14, 2021
Where: Digital
This is the premier destination for industry professionals to experience five days of learning, technical presentations, business development, and networking opportunities
Corrosion Short Course
An asynchronous pre-recorded
online short course
When: October 8-November 19, 2021
Where: Online
During each week of this five-week course, you pace yourself to view the material from one day of the weeklong course, as broken out in the schedule.
Fontana Corrosion Center
Department of Materials Science and Engineering