COVID-19 Update
The health and safety of our employees and customers is the utmost priority for us here at Gamry Instruments.
During this time, you can still reach us by calling +215-682-9330 or through one of the two forms linked below.
For Sales Support and Information > Click Here
For Technical Support > Click Here
As some of you may know our shipping, receiving, and manufacturing facility had been temporarily closed by order of our State Government. Starting this week, we will be opening our manufacturing and shipping. We will be doing this with a minimal staff working in shifts in order to protect our employees and work within the CDC Guidelines.
Thank you for your support and for being a Gamry customer.
Webinars & Live Demonstrations
Last week we hosted another live Webinar entitled "EIS for Corrosion & Coatings". If you were unable to attend we have a video recording of this event on our web site's video library.
Download this presentation in PDF Format.
The next scheduled Webinar will be live on April 16, 2020.
Tracking Electrochemically Active Biofilms Using an EQCM
April 16, 2020 - 11:00 am EST
Presented by Jerome Babauta
Have ideas on webinars you would like to see?
If so, we would like to hear from you!
What type of webinar would you like to see?
What applications are of interest?
Homeschooling kids in grades K-6?
If you’re like many of us, you’re balancing working from home and helping your kids at the same time. Here is a little bit to help show them some science.
Tips from Technical Support
How do I copy and paste graphs and data from Echem Analyst?
The “Copy to clipboard” button is located on the toolbar of the Chart tab when your data file is displayed in Echem Analyst.

Copy to Clipboard
This button gives you the option to copy a Bitmap, Metafile, or raw data directly to the Windows Clipboard. It can then be pasted into any other program.